Servants of Christ for His Glory

Pastor Fuller has served at Crossroads Baptist Church since February 2017, accompanied by his wife, Tracy. Prior to Crossroads, he served as associate pastor at Potomac Baptist Church in Sterling, Virginia, where he received his ordination and served both on the elder board and as the chairman of the missions committee. He completed seminary at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, earning a Masters of Christian Ministry and a Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies. Pastor Fuller participated in operations in Iraq and Kosovo during the 8 years he served as an active duty U.S. Marine. Pastor and Mrs. Fuller were married in Eastside Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia in 1998 and they have two adult daughters.
(Photo: Preaching on mission in San Miguel, El Salvador, March 2019)

Assistant Pastor
Pastor Ortiz has served faithfully at Crossroads since being sent from IBBE in Manassas, Virginia in August 2017. Trained as a church planter from the SBC's North American Missions Board, blessed by the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia, and burdened with a heart for the lost Spanish-speaking population of Leesburg, he and his wife, Priscilla are an answer to prayer in bringing the Gospel to our neighborhood. (Photo: Baptizing new believers at the church, 2019)

Music Ministry Leaders
Mr. Lilly joined Crossroads in early 2019 and has blessed the church with his family's music and their passion for worship. Larry plays our organ or piano during the weekly worship services. Larry directs our choir and also sings in local singing groups including competitively with a barber shop quartet.

Deacon and Men's Ministry Leader
Brother Rick Wilmoth was appointed to serve as a deacon in 2018, although he has been doing the servant work of a deacon for many years. Ever helpful and eager to serve in-and-around the church, Rick cooks a mean men's ministry breakfast and oversees the maintenance of the building and grounds.
(Photo: Recertifying Red Cross First Aid at the church, 2019)

Women's Ministry Leader
Mrs. Fuller has previously organized and taught Bible studies at Crossroads, as well as other women's ministry events. She studied Women's Ministry and Missions at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary's Biblical Women's Institute and leads a women's mission to El Salvador each fall. She taught women's bible study and helped lead the women's ministry at Potomac Baptist Church from 2015-2017. (Photo: Leading the women's mission worship and study in San Miguel, El Salvador, February 2020)